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Loveshaped Life was born out of the deep conviction that seeing, experiencing and living in the wonder of God's love, changes everything. Bob and Nathan formed this organization from a combined background of over forty years spent sharing the story of Jesus. During that time, they both experienced the wonder of God's love in unique, personal ways, especially during some difficult, dark moments in their faith-journey. They've also witnessed its power to bring new life and hope into the lives of others. It is their dream to walk alongside others in the discovering and experiencing this radical love. Through Loveshaped Life, they provide both a community in which to experience this love, as well as tools for living it out wherever you call home. God's love was never meant to be merely a personal experience: it's world-changing. Nathan and Bob invite you to join them on this life-enriching journey into the wildest wonder in the universe: a magnificent God who loves with unhesitating abandon.

We believe seeing, experiencing and resting in God's love is the secret-sauce of a flourishing life.

Our Mission

Our Big Dream

A movement of people who see God’s beauty with ever-increasing clarity, experience his presence with ever-deepening wonder and live everyday-lives of radical love, loving more like Him as the days go by.


Our Method

  • See. Facilitate a deepening perception of God’s radical, other-centered love.

  • Experience. Facilitate a deep knowing of this love, not merely as fact, but as a

    living reality that reaches to the deepest core of our being, changing everything

    —especially the way we see God, ourselves and others.

  • Live. We inspire and facilitate a life of learning to love like God loves—as

    revealed in a life of service.

Things that Matter to Us

Our Vision

  • Integrity. Who we are in public is who we are in private.

  • Respect. Every person is valued for who they are.

  • Connection. We are built for relationships, so we take time to nurture a culture in which they thrive.

  • Mentoring. We grow stronger together and are thus committed to building each other in every possible way.

  • Creativity. We believe in pushing the boundaries of creativity in pursuit of our dream.

  • Clarity. We communicate with clarity, using simple, everyday language.

  • Contagious. Living a loveshaped life is our chief marketing strategy.

  • Presence. We are committed to living present to our local communities, refusing to become insular. This means we will maintain an active, consistent volunteer and/or employment presence in our local communities.


Our Promise

To communicate the clear, simple, beautiful picture of God we find in Scripture. Further, we give ourselves to walking beside each other as we each seek to see, experience and live this love, daily. We believe that as we come to know and experience this love, our lives will overflow with its rich gifts—transforming our inner person, bursting with gentle grace into the lives of every person we touch.

Help others See, Experience and Live God's Love. Give now.

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