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Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Writer: Bob HayesBob Hayes

For years, many of us have carried the weight of negative labels—words like “loser,” “mess,” and “failure” that cling to us, slowly reshaping our self-image in painful ways. If you’re anything like me, you know how those negative voices in your head can often drown out the positive ones, while guilt and shame silently paralyze your spirit. These emotional scars we’ve accumulated have a way of haunting us, mesmerizing our thoughts, and keeping us locked in patterns we desperately want to break free from.

At LoveShaped Life, we’ve discovered four transformative principles for living a life shaped by love:

  1. SEE - Recognize the beauty of God's character

  2. MEDITATE - Reflect deeply on what you see

  3. ACCEPT - Embrace these truths as your own

  4. REST - Learn to dwell daily in God's love

In this blog post, we’ll focus on the third principle: ACCEPT. This powerful step bridges the gap between knowing God’s truth and living it out in your daily life. If you haven't already, we encourage you to explore our previous posts in this series: “Beyond the Fog of Religion” (exploring SEE) and “Seeing Deeply: The Power of Biblical Meditation” (diving into MEDITATE).

As you think, so you feel, As you feel, so you do, and As you do, so you have.   — Joseph McClendon III, Get Happy Now!

Step 1: Accept God's Personal Message to You

The Bible is more than a historical document; it is a living communication from God to us. Each verse and story carries the potential to speak directly into our circumstances, offering guidance, comfort, and affirmation. Proverbs 4:23 advises, “Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts.”

By accepting these messages as personal, we allow them to challenge and change our internal narratives. This involves actively listening for how God’s words are meant for your life today. Whether you’re facing fear, rejection, self-doubt, or uncertainty, know that God speaks to you with promises of love, strength, and purpose. Accepting these messages means reframing not only how you see God, but how you see yourself and others.

A Story of Transformation

There’s a powerful story in the Bible about a woman caught in adultery. She had been abused by men and was violently dragged before Jesus by the religious leaders. They demanded Jesus condemn her to death by stoning, as was their custom for her lifestyle. Jesus responded with profound wisdom: “Let him who has not sinned cast the first stone.”

Imagine being in her place—head bowed, trembling on the ground, waiting for the stones to fall. The religious leaders, whom everyone respected as God's voice, were the ones condemning you. Their judgment only confirmed the voices in her head that had been telling her she was worthless, useless, of no value to anyone.

But then Jesus looked at her with compassion and asked, “Woman, where are your accusers?” After she responded, Jesus spoke five words that transformed her life forever: “Neither do I condemn you.” These words penetrated to the deepest part of her being and infused her with new life. She embraced them as the true voice of God, spoken directly to her heart, so it can be with you.

Step 2: Replace Negative Self-Talk with God's Word

Our minds are often cluttered with negative self-talk—persistent thoughts that drag us down and keep us in cycles of despair. These thoughts are like deep ruts in a road, formed by years of use. If you are like me, sometimes the voices in my head are louder than the voice of God. But God’s word acts as a new path, offering fresh truth to fill these ruts and pave a new way forward.

Practical Exercises for Change
  1. Do a thought audit: During the day, if you’re feeling a certain way, it’s because you’re thinking a certain way. Ask yourself:

    • Does my thinking line up with how God sees me?

    • What lies am I believing?

    • Does my thinking line up with how God sees my neighbor, coworker, or a stranger?

  2. Create new mantras: Write out negative thought patterns and create new patterns from the Bible.

  3. Practice consistently: Keep repeating your new mantras until they replace the old ones.

Scriptural Mantras to Begin With
  • “Lord, I choose to accept that I am loved by you.” (Jeremiah 31:3)

  • “Lord, I choose to accept that I am fully known and fully loved by you.” (John 3:16)

  • “Lord, I choose to accept that I am of value in your eyes.” (Matthew 6:26)

  • “Lord, I choose to accept that my sins have been removed.” (Micah 7:19)

  • “Lord, I choose to accept the invitation to live in your presence each day.” (Ezekiel 37:27)

Try creating your own: “Lord, I choose to accept ________.”

Embracing Transformation

Transformation is a process, much like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Through meditation and acceptance of God’s love, we experience deep change, empowering us to love ourselves and others more fully. God understands our struggles and is here to guide us through them.

Taking Action

Even when life feels overwhelming, we always hold the power to choose our path. By choosing to embrace God’s love and promises, you give yourself permission to be loved and transformed. This choice can be supported through the practice of adopting positive mantras rooted in Scripture.

Your Next Steps
  1. Consider how you can incorporate these steps into your daily routine.

  2. Watch our podcast season “Love Defined” on our YouTube channel.

  3. Visit for free mantra worksheet.

  4. Share your thoughts in the comments below.

  5. Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly inspiration.



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